quarta-feira, 5 de março de 2014

You can’t control what you can’t measure - Tom DeMarco

Sobre controle e métricas....

Eu sou da época que Tom DeMarco fazia parte dos livros obrigatórios da faculdade (eu sou da época é coisa de velho kkkk)

Now apply “You can’t control what you can’t measure” to the teenager. Most things that really matter—honor, dignity, discipline, personality, grace under pressure, values, ethics, resourcefulness, loyalty, humor, kindness—aren’t measurable.

“You can’t control what you can’t measure.” This line contains a real truth, but I’ve become increasingly uncomfortable with my use of it.

Consistency and predictability are still desirable, but they haven’t ever been the most important things.

Software development is and always will be somewhat experimental. The actual software construction isn’t necessarily experimental, but its conception is. And this is where our focus ought to be. It’s where our focus always ought to have been.

Tom DeMarco - An Idea Whose Time Has Come and Gone? - http://www.systemsguild.com/pdfs/tdmsoftwaresummer2009.pdf

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